MummaFit Park
Outdoor Postnatal Exercise Class
Enjoy an outdoor workout whatever the weather, with your little one by your side. Build up a sweat with heart raising exercises designed to improve cardiovascular & muscular fitness. MummaFit exercises help strengthen specific areas to assist with the demands of motherhood - I want you to feel strong and pain free when picking up, carrying and playing with your baby.

MummaFit Strength
Indoor Postnatal Exercise Class
Post-natal exercise class for mumma's & babies. Safe & effective exercise designed to combat common postpartum challenges. Changes like diastasis recti & incontinence are common, but don't have to be your new normal. Classes are post-natal friendly with specific exercises targeted to develop strength & fitness. Mums will be guided through a safe & effective full-body workout to help activate muscles, mobilise joints & rebuild strength.
MummaFit understands the importance of efficient & functional movement, that's why you'll build a solid foundation by safely rebuilding your core and pelvic floor. You'll soon be fit to run around after your little one!